Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Missions Conference Ideas

By Pastor Austin Gardner (World Vision Baptist Church)

The following are just ideas that I have gleaned along the way as I visit churches, talk with pastors and missionaries. I by no means want to imply that all of these should be put into place in every church. I am also sure that many of you may have other ideas that I have not added to this list. If you will send them to me I will be glad to add them to this list.

1.Provide name tags for the missionaries with the name of their country, mission board etc.. but also provide the same type of tag for the deacons, pastor, staff members etc. so that the missionary will also be able to know who people are. Use a different format for church people—Example: use flag for missionary and church logo for church people.

2.Involve the people of the church by having them take different missionary families out to eat or have them eat in their homes, sleep in their homes, etc.. Get as many people involved spending time with the missionary that you can.

3.Each evening have a joint meal with different people from the church, one night with the deacons, pastor and staff. Another night with the entire church. Be sure to instruct the missionaries and the church people that they are not to be with the other missionaries or their friends but with the people so that the church people will really get to know them.

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