Friday, September 28, 2007

Fake interview with Bro. Jeff Bush

This Saturday our church has the great honor of hosting th Georgia Youth Fellowship. In preparation for this this meeting I had an interview with Bro. Jeff Bush our speaker for tonight. As you will be able to tell we have edited it a little bit. We hope you find it as funny as we have.

If you would like to find out the truth about Bro. Jeff's ministry in Argentina please go to

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Message from Pastor Austin Gardner

I have listened and hurt just like you have now for hours and days of the horrible things that took place at Virginia Tech! So many dead, killed in a senseless outrage. The thoughts that come to my mind are not to place blame or make political hay but to consider what we could have done as a church to make a difference.

The Word of God says in Psalms 142:4 “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.” As I think of this horrible tragedy I think of the fact that not only the shooter but maybe even some of the victims were in desperate need of someone to show them that they cared.

To hear the story of the shooter is to hear of a troubled young man that had no one to care it seems. As a church we must decide that we are here to make a difference. Who do you know at school or at work or in the neighborhood that has no one to care for them and especially for their soul. We must do what we can to make a difference in the lives of others. It is Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ that can truly make a difference.

We fail so often because those who most need us scare us. We are afraid to speak to them but they are in need. I challenge you to continue praying for all the families involved at Virginia Tech but I also challenge you to begin looking all around you now for that needy person. Let’s tell them of Jesus. Let’s make a difference in their lives.

If it weren’t for the grace of God this wicked occurrence could have included us. None of us are beyond what the shooter did except for the work of God in our lives. I challenge you to take seriously the work that God has called us to do.

Who will you share the gospel with today? Let’s make a difference today where we live!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What does it mean?

This is from Kevin White’s blog. What a story that should shake our hearts.

A young girl and her grandmother walked up to the fifty foot tall statue of Jesus here in the city of Cochabamba. At the feet of the statue is a large cast iron bible open with engraved letters. As the two approached the statue they crossed themselves from head to chest and then shoulder to shoulder as many do here. As they looked into the bible, the young girl with great excitement in her eyes and voice looked up at her grandmother and said: “Grandma what does it say.” The grandmother responded. “Jesus le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al padre, sino por mi.” Jesus saith unto him, I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father, but by me. The elderly lady paused as her granddaughter looked up at her again almost having tears in her eyes and said “grandma what does it mean?” I watched as they both stood there in silence and the grandmother couldn’t respond. After a minute or two they both turned and walked away. This is just one heartbreaking example of hundreds of thousands of people here in our city that worship the unknown Christ. They know Him by name but know nothing of His loving forgiveness and what it is to have a personal relationship with Him. Our prayer is that we will be able to introduce these people to the unknown Christ that they have”known” for so long. Please pray for our work here in Bolivia.